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Tips For Cooking Success

1. Before doing the recipe, read it through from beginning to end, taking note of the preparations of ingredients and the kitchen utensils mentioned in the procedures.

2. Have all the ingredients prepared as directed and ready to use before starting to cook. An exception would be cheese to be used for topping or serving. Grate the cheese just before using.

3. Take note of the time elements. Some recipes require marinating or soaking of the ingredients overnight. Make sure you allot enough time for these.

4. Wash all fresh produce well before using. This is especially true for greens such as lettuce and kangkong which may have picked up some dirt from handling in the market. To be on the safe side, you may want to disinfect leafy vegetables that are to be eaten raw by soaking them in a solution of water and one or two drops of potassium permanganate solution.

5. Use the proper measuring utensils. Measuring cups for liquids such as milk and water are different from measuring cups for solids such as flour and cocoa powder. Those for liquids have pouring lips while those for solids have straight edges.

6. When measuring solids such as flour, spoon the ingredient into a dry measuring cup until it heaps over the top. Level off the ingredient with a straight edged spatula without tapping or shaking the measuring cup.

7. Watch that mixtures that are supposed to be simmered do not reach the boiling point. Boiling may toughen meat instead of tenderizing it.

8. Chilies such as siling labuyo have oily elements that may sting the eye. Make sure you wash and dry your hands well after handling these ingredients or wear protective gloves when cooking.

9. Some recipes call for draining and reserving the liquid. Make sure you drain the liquid into a bowl and not into a sink where it will literally go down the drain and be lost from you forever.

10. When using dried herbs, it is better to add them towards the end or in the middle of the cooking time. The flavors do not hold well in too long cooking.

11. When marinating or tenderizing meat, do not add salt in the beginning as this tends to dry and toughen the meat. Season with salt towards the end of the cooking process.

12. When cooking with vinegar, do not stir the mixture or cover the pot until the vinegar has boiled, to prevent having the 'raw' taste of vinegar in the dish.

keep calm and keep cooking